Protect customer’s credit card information

[vc_row gap=”25″][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]Hello,

ChartsPMS is committed to protecting your own customers payment data. In order to ensure effective protection, it is important that your organisation and your subcontractors comply with the Payment Card Industry (PCI) security standards and thereby the GDPR requirements for personal data collected and processed on this occasion.

We have created a Privacy Control Panel interface (see demo here) that allows you to directly set up the “Payment Card Data Privacy Level” of the end customer, in order to bring your organisation into compliance with PCI standards in the framework of your activity and according to the requirements of the law in force in your country.

By default, your customers’ payment data, account numbers and expiration date will be saved and available in your PMS as described below:

  • Before the arrival of the guest: since the validation of the reservation, in order to check the information of the traveler’s payment card.
  • During the stay: from the date of arrival and up to 60 days after departure to allow you to charge the traveler’s credit card for the stay.
  • After guest cancels: 60 days after the cancellation of the reservation to allow you to charge any applicable cancellation penalty.

You can directly contact if you have any questions about retrieving customer payment data or accessing your Privacy Control Panel.

Thank you,

ChartsPMS Data Protection Officer

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