Step10 – email to send to client

Dear M. —

Data protection laws have changed in the European Union with the new General Data Protection Regulation known as GDPR:

Hotels owners and directors have heavy duties and liabilities.

You collect personal data whenever your guests search for rooms or beds availability, make a reservation and proceed to payment, buy additional sales during their stay and even after their check out.

You are a Data Controller according to GDPR, therefore data supervisory authorities are empowered to control that you take necessary actions to comply with the regulation.

In case of guests personal data breach, the GDPR stringent new rules can result in huge fines (up to 4% of annual worldwide turnover or 20 million euros), and even criminal charges for the Director of the property.


We support you in compliance. At Charts PMS we think that privacy matters and in particular guests personal data protection are of utmost importance and we launched a new GDPR compliance program to support our clients.

We offer you access to a dedicated Privacy Control Panel interface dedicated to your property allowing you to:

  • Determine Credit Card level privacy
  • Select Guests Data hosting region
  • Generate Privacy documentation
  • Contact our Data Protection Officer (DPO)
  • And more upcoming


You enter now your Privacy Control Panel and make sure to select an adequate level of privacy regarding your guests personal data:

I request access to my Privacy Control Panel

IMPORTANT: Forward this message to the appropriate person (owner, director, manager) if it is not yourself.
