Cross category: Main pms features


The PMS is also a tool for analyzing reservation data in order to guide and support the revenue manager in his perpetual efforts for optimization. Thus, the PMS displays a number of charts containing key figures regarding your activity: Average occupancy rate, average price, Income per bed or room available, number of inputs and outputs, …

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The calendar offers two types of views By room type This is a quick way to view the occupancy rate of these rooms and their rates. This makes possible to inform a customer who wishes to extend his stay or book, but also to decide on certain actions to be taken day by day, such …

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The Dashboard allow you to assess at a glance your hotel activity for the current day and the following one. Dashboard allows you to conveniently navigate between the different pages. You can simply click on any one of the desired pages to quickly and conveniently navigate to the pages you use most. The manager and …

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