Guests reviews

Chartsbeds reviews allows you to collect information about your guest recent stay. You will have the ability to choose whether or not you want specific reviews to appear on your website. It says to guests and potential guests that you care about what they think and the staff will gain insights into how they can further foster happy guests.

How does the Guest Review form work?

Guest reviews are collected automatically via a web questionnaire in the daily departure email. The template can include several rating scale questions and a text box for comments.

The form can be translated into languages other than English if required.

Analysis of Guest Reviews

All submitted reviews are stored in our database and can be accessed from the Review Management Dashboard. The following screenshot of the dashboard’s ‘Analysis’ page shows the average rating score for each question.

Information available on Reviews

The Reviews page of the dashboard allows properties to access all their reviews where they can see the following information associated with each review:

  • guest name
  • room type/room number
  • country
  • stay dates
  • date/time of the review

The same page can also be displayed in such a way that it shows each answer plus additional information such as check-in/check-out receptionist IDs along with their scores

Display approved reviews on your website

You can approve or reject reviews from the Reviews page. Approved reviews can be displayed on the property’s website via our API (Application Programming Interface). Property Managers can reply to each review.

There are two user roles: staff and admin. Staff users have access to all reviews; can approve but cannot amend or delete. Admin users can approve, amend and delete all reviews.

For some examples, please check Sky Backpackers reviews or Temple Bar Inn reviews


We expect most properties will want their web designer to do the layout setups for the display of reviews data on a page of their website. However, if you would like us to do this, please let us know and we’ll provide pricing according to the complexity of your website.

Reviews data is available in JSON format and can be retrieved via our API (Application Programming Interface).

For the new departure email template you or your web designer will be able to customize the CSS stylesheet to change the layout. The form elements cannot be changed.

Pricing and Ordering

Contact our offices for more information