Support 24/7

We provide support globally 24 hours a day 7 days a week fro over 25 years from a team with extensive hotel management and training experience based in Ireland and Australia as we have support staff working through all hours of the day.Our phone service is set up to forward calls between our offices should one of our offices be busy.Our support staff. will be happy to answer your call. Certain members of our staff are also multi linguistic.


You may also contact us by email by sending your request to our support email. Our email support system is more efficient than misplay an email entring our inbox. This will send an email to our account which will open and log a ticket in our helpdesk tool which all our support agents can view instantly. Here we will be able track your request and any progress made.

You will also be able to use this helpdesk tool yourself to reply to the open ticket. Our support staff also have email addresses should your request require more specific attention. Or if we need to contact you directly. We will have a record of each request sent by email .

Remote support

Need assistance where the issue needs to be shown on screen to our support agent?

Our company has a business Licence with the screen sharing software Teamviewer ( This software allows us temporarily control your computer with your permission and we can offer support as if we were in the room with you.

Further Support

If your a client which uses our virtual servers to run ChartsBeds our agents will have greater access and flexibility with support as we will have more control over the server rather than a server installed on site at your property. This will lower the need for your property to hire on site / call out IT support staff.