Chritopher Walken

Design for free!

Chartsbeds is able to customize the design of your Booking engine (colors and fonts). For February, we decided to offer this great service to our new clients! This offer apply only for clients that ordered “Booking engine custom design”.

Make your website and booking engine mobile-friendly

One of the primary reasons travelers abandon a booking is because the user experience is too slow and not user friendly. A poor mobile experience could mean your hotel misses out on a lot of last-minute bookings. More and more reservations are made through mobile devices Last year, mobile internet usage surpassed desktop usage. As …

Make your website and booking engine mobile-friendly Read More »

How smart hotels use Instant Messaging to connect with their guests

Instant messaging, like WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger, has simplified the way people connect with each other around the world and has speed up the communication. What about hotels? Guests naturally want to communicate with hotels the same way they did with everyone else and are looking for technology to enhance hotel services such as the …

How smart hotels use Instant Messaging to connect with their guests Read More »

What’s influencing Chinese millennial travelers?

Within a country of 400 million millennials, China’s young globetrotters now account for about 60% of international travel. With more disposable income than their parents, Chinese millennial travelers are fueling the growth of global tourism. The new report of Jing Travel in collaboration with Carat and the Shanghai Data Exchange (SHDX), provides some very useful …

What’s influencing Chinese millennial travelers? Read More »